# of watchers: 65
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Artistic: | 70 |
Funny-rating: | 60 |
Friendly: | 70 |
2005-06-14 [Dwemer]: Well, I'm glad my section has done almost all their work for this month ^_- *praises crew* I'm going to bed now, much things to attend to tomorrow!
2005-06-14 [Dwemer]: *sigh* *good bye dwem, sleep well* *why thank you, I wish you the same* ^_-
2005-06-14 [De'ladrei]: lol g'night dwem
2005-06-14 [Dwemer]: ^_-
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: I'm back... what did I miss?
2005-06-14 [Orestez]: I'm back for today....
2005-06-14 [Solitiaum]: Angelo, you had basically taken Glen's spot as assistant editor. thats going to go to joost at glen's request.
2005-06-14 [Stephen]: Okay.
2005-06-14 [Kathren]: wb Orestez!
2005-06-14 [Tear]: Umm, I am not reading all those pages of comments. What happened since I went to smoke yesterday?
2005-06-14 [Orestez]: I'm helping Kate rebuild EPI today, then I'm going on vacation.
2005-06-14 [Tear]: I see. Vacation, eh? You need a break from all of this anyway.
2005-06-14 [Elisa]: Good Orestez! You DEFINITELY deserve it!!! ^_^
2005-06-14 [Nevermore.]: aw no way...! ya know how u have things for diffrent sections..well
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Ah, that's a good idea. I would be willing to assist you with that (though I'm not too into fashion, but I'm a good researcher! :D)
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: yeah, i will just get everything i need...i figured...u all want the epi 2 be read, this type of stuff is what gets young teens reading...
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: so do i have the go ahead?
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Excellent. Kate isn't on right now, and she has the final word, but if you started working on the page- just to give her a taste of your idea- and showed it to her, it would be easier for her to approve it.
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: yeah! no problems! kates great! she doesnt need to do anything till its done *huggles kate*
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Isn't she?! I WUV her! *smooches her and her baby*
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: i actully havent spoken 2 her in ages...but me loves her all the same
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Haha! Well I think she's been pretty busy lately- especially with the whole EPI screw up... *chills*
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: Hmmm...
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Hmmmmmmmmm...
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: yeah, well, at the moment the epi is looking up again 2 me anyway....
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: *nods* That it is. I'm glad we've gotten things more or less straightened out. I'm also glad I was away when the argument occured...
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: argument? ya see. regretfully...
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Haha. You might want to read the previous postings, but it's complicated.
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: ...i think i'll passs......
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Ah, good choice. In any case, the past is the past, and is best left in it's time.
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: yeah, that what i said to my man..after he made it up 2 me..lol, u know what im talking about sumi
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Haha! That I do, my love. *winks*
2005-06-15 [Nevermore.]: *winks back* oh man...i love falling out!! well, i love it when he trys 2 get back into my good books....
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: *evil laughter*
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: Hmmm... I must speak to Kate and Della. :p
2005-06-15 [Ellyn]: Well Kate is on... Whereas Dela is not. So I advise starting with Kate. *nods*
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: No she isn't.
2005-06-15 [Solitiaum]: Yes I am. o_O;
2005-06-15 [Solitiaum]: And come to find out, [The Dark Lord] has been in the hospital and didnt tell anyone but [Sunrose], who didnt know to tell us. -.- He'll have his spot back when hes better.
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: Ah, I read that a while ago.
2005-06-15 [Dwemer]: Katey, how many articles you want á month for current events ?
2005-06-15 [Alexandra the Great]: hmm.. yes..
2005-06-15 [Dwemer]: Well I need to know. Then I can make a schedule.
2005-06-15 [De'ladrei]: oh lord lots of coments, well atleast TDL will be back, its a shame about him being in hospital so long
2005-06-15 [Alexandra the Great]: yeah it is... *sighs* i feel bad for him... i wonder what happen?
2005-06-15 [De'ladrei]: i dont know, and im not sure it would be right to pry.
2005-06-15 [Alexandra the Great]: no prying will be done... i would hate to do that..
2005-06-15 [De'ladrei]: *Nods*
2005-06-15 [Solitiaum]: He had surgery on his leg thats apparently made it difficult to walk. He messaged Deb-san like 4 days ago letting her know, and saying that he would be back soon.
2005-06-15 [De'ladrei]: eeeh sounds rough :\
2005-06-15 [Alexandra the Great]: oy.... thats too bad.. :(
2005-06-15 [Stephen]: I hope is okay.
2005-06-15 [iCh3wi]: Hey Fiona, I have a question. I will be leaving June 29 for my home in West Virginia and won't be back till July 14. I will have a very limited access to the internet, as I will be in the mountains. Should I update my sections on the 28th and my Asistant Editor can edit her sections on the 3rd?
2005-06-16 [De'ladrei]: *Thinks* that sounds like a plan to me there yes, thanks for letting us know in advance, now we wont be wondering where you are. As long as you get the section going thats good.
2005-06-16 [iCh3wi]: Ok then, I will do that. Sorry I won't be here, but I will be sure to make the Quotes section look wunnerful.
2005-06-16 [De'ladrei]: Good stuff Crowe hun, glad to hear it :)
2005-06-16 [kewt~azian~gurl]: Font Fans Art Competition
2005-06-17 [Alexandra the Great]: anything you guys need me to do?
2005-06-17 [iCh3wi]: I don't need anything, but thanks for asking. Unless you can Fed-Ex me a Diet Coke that is, I'm out.
2005-06-17 [Stephen]: Hmmm...
2005-06-17 [Alexandra the Great]: lol, sorry no can do... i cant do that cause im trying to have my mum cut back on diet, lol ^^
2005-06-17 [iCh3wi]: Damn, that sucks (For me that is) I guess I will get Dr. Pepper then.
2005-06-17 [De'ladrei]: lol oh silly people Alex you know what you can do you can come talk to me about a comic idea ^_-
2005-06-17 [iCh3wi]: If someone steals artwork from my house, should I report them?
2005-06-17 [Dwemer]: Yes you should. Who is it?
2005-06-17 [De'ladrei]: yes you really should
2005-06-17 [Stephen]: Yes! Report thiefs!! Then we can ban them!!
2005-06-17 [Dwemer]: banning shouldn't be a fun thing...
2005-06-17 [Stephen]: It's not. Actually, I've banned one member, and it made me feel bad. But I can still say it :P
2005-06-17 [De'ladrei]: O_o....riiight then
2005-06-17 [Nevermore.]: well, when somone stole mine..i reported it!
2005-06-17 [Stephen]: Good. Report it.
2005-06-18 [Kathren]: *passes Diet Coke* It's a little late, but here you are...
2005-06-18 [Solitiaum]: Now lets get those banners up, please.
2005-06-18 [iCh3wi]: Thanks Kathren. Um, let me check. *Goes to check name* His name is [juggalotus]. He stole a copy of my banner that says "Silenced-Crow
2005-06-18 [Dwemer]: The banners that [Alexandra the Great] should make, I guess...
2005-06-18 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm, I'm gonna go check.
2005-06-18 [Solitiaum]: Report him to the guards, Silenced.
2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Ya... we guards can't do much until you file a report.
2005-06-19 [Kathren]: *bows* You're quite welcome, Crowe. And btw I like that banner too. But will not take becuase I know better. *grins*
2005-06-19 [Orestez]: I...have...ret
2005-06-19 [Dwemer]: Glen has retaken his spot as assistsant editor from me, now he rules again. pass it on!
2005-06-19 [Ellyn]: Woot! Well not to say "woot" that you aren't an editor, Dwemer, but Woot! Glen's back!
2005-06-19 [Dwemer]: I only ''lend'' the Editor's spot from him , I had to keep it warm ;)
2005-06-19 [Ellyn]: Haha! Well that was very kind of you. ;)
2005-06-19 [Dwemer]: ^_- Naah was nothing *blush* You made me blush!
2005-06-19 [Ellyn]: Haha! How could I? Bad Ellyn.
2005-06-19 [Dwemer]: ^_-
2005-06-19 [Ellyn]: :D
2005-06-19 [Firenze]: Joost has just for something to eat Ellyn, he said he will be right back
2005-06-19 [Ellyn]: Haha, okay, that's fine. I suppose I'll allow him to eat. ;)
2005-06-19 [iCh3wi]: Well, I reported him, left a long report, like last week, oh well.
2005-06-19 [Orestez]: I are the punzor! Get ready to be punz-ed!
2005-06-19 [iCh3wi]: ok
2005-06-20 [Ellyn]: ....Punz-ed?
2005-06-20 [Kathren]: Welcome back Orestez... *bows to all*
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: Same here Sumi, no clue what that means either, oh well.
2005-06-20 [Kathren]: Hello again, Crowe... Would you like another Diet Coke? I happen to have one here lol
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: No thanks, I'm trying to imagine I'm with my girlfriend right now, but it ain't workin too well. It's only been a day and I'm going insane. Only..........
2005-06-20 [Kathren]: I've been away from my love for a month and two days now. My birthday is next Monday and I will be back home with him before then. *dances*
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: Lucky!!! I still have a whole month left.
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ooh too many coments *puts her head on the desk and smacks it a few times*
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Better don't do that eh... (?) *hugs*
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: *hugs* why not, my heads already f*cked as it is, i may as well kill off the rest of my brain cells while i am at it :\
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: No you don't! Do I have to call Katey??
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: *stares* and what will that do :p its not like she can come over the ocean and stop me from doing it.
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: She'll bring clowns! Is that what you want?
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: O.o it wont bother me, i will just shut my eyes
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Well, I'll run, that's for sure!
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: *chuckles* fair enough then i suppose
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Sorry... ;)
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: :p
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: *shudders* clowns........
2005-06-20 [Gone4eva]: I HATE CLOWNS
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Indeed!
2005-06-20 [Gone4eva]: they freak me out
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: Same here, thats why I created Clown Haters
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: Clown hating aside how is everyones sections going?
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: Mines goin good so far. Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you Fi. My Asistant Editor has worked on 2 issues now, when does she get her Harbringer Badge?
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ah right >.< i will sort that for you this month mate
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: Okies, thanks a bunch. She's been pestering me to ask about it for a while now, lolol. Never hire your sister as your Asistant Editor.
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: lmao yees quite ;)
2005-06-20 [iCh3wi]: lol. Hey Joost, can you please re-send me that personnel wuote of yours, I think I deleted it. I'll use your quote for the July issue. Thanks!!
2005-06-21 [Alexandra the Great]: Ok everyone there is a new wiki i just made check it out its called EP Custom Comical Characters go and see!!
2005-06-21 [Stephen]: Alex, PM me. Or get on yahoo if you can.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Anything happen while I was gone?
2005-06-21 [Kathren]: Clowns? Did you say clowns? *shreiks, runs, pauses to bow to Tear, and runs again*
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: ...riiight then
2005-06-21 [Tear]: *hops on Kathren for the hell of it*
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Ermm ?
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: ...again..."ri
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Kids of these days *shakes head* ;)
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Kids, eh? *ties Dela to Joost and hops on them too*
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: :( Ok, you win...
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Huzzah!!! WHAT WHAT!?!?!?! pWNED
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: YOU WIN! :)
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Really and truly?
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Kids and Drunken men never lie :)
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: ...dont make me send you to yoru room young man ;)
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Only if you come with me, darling.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Umm, will someone tell me where my section fits? I just checked those sections there, and Reviews isn't under any of them.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: lol uhm leme think :p uhm no clue dear
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Well writers corner, of course, 0_o duh. (dont reply on this, it's warm here, so I've bad mood)
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Is my section gone!?!?!?! That would anger me!!!!!
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: no i thin its under the writers section, it wouldnt be gone without anyonetelling you
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Well, it's not, you have to add it tear.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: AARRG! Why me!?!?!?! Now i have to remember the exact name of the wiki.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: perhaps I’m wrong here, but if a harbringer can’t even find his own section, then how exactly has the “streamlining” made it easier for the common reader to find the section they’re looking for?
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: or you could look at previous versions of this page and copy and paste the name and add @wiki at the end
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: the problem is, not a lot of poeple were actually informed of any changes. this should have been done better. we all just came back one day and it was changed
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: It has not: EP Independent- Reviews
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Hehe.. I know almost all wiki names au couer.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: I was just kidding when i said the bit about remembering the page name. And Whim, I have been offline for the past 4 days or so.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: right, well, that's fixable. Harbringers can easily be informed. I'm just thinking that these new sections aren't any better than the old sections. It just clumps things together which makes people have to search for things like reviews and if readers have to search for something they want to read then they won't want to even bother.
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Any suggestions Brett ?
2005-06-21 [Whim]: hehe...I wasn't blaming you or anything, Tear. I only noticed that you couldn't find your section for whatever reason which just makes it obvious to me that your common EPer is going to be lost.
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: True.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: My suggestion would be to break up the sections more like there used to be. Things were a bit easier to find. Or, have the sections as they are now, but under each section, list what’s included in the sections. If the reviews are in the writings section, list “reviews” in addition to whatever this month’s featured writings are--sort of like in outline form.
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: I agree on that, only Katey may fix that though...
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: hah
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Or you?
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: I dont see how I can fix it, it woul only get changed back
2005-06-21 [Whim]: yeah, you have to pretty much assume that your readers are idiots. In no way am I calling all the readers of the EPI idiots, but you have to pretend they are. You may simplify things in YOUR minds, but you have to keep in mind that an idiot will get lost very easy so you really need to cater to them as best you can.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: You could fix it and then see how everyone likes it. So what if it gets changed back? It's not like it's a huge task to change it back.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: exactly, i mean before it was loooong list, but people could see where stuff was
2005-06-21 [Whim]: Right and a long list looks bad, but it's easier. So the trick is to keep the long list, but find a way to make the long list look good.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: exactly, maybe seperate the list out into grups of four say and then divide them, but this is just confusing for people.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Not everyone is as smart as your average bear. [Whim] has a point, the easier it is and the least amount of sections that ou have to go through to get what you want, the better.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: Yes it is.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: At least a few of you must have been forced to use the outline format when studying or taking notes. If not, look it up online. A form like that, except stylized, would work wonders.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: My thoughts exactly
2005-06-21 [Tear]: MLA format outline. Roman numeral 1, main topic, EPI, subtopic, A: Sections, sub-subtopic, 1, poetry, 2:lonely hearts, 3:Reviews, etc
2005-06-21 [Whim]: Right, tear, except you probably wouldn’t use Roman numerals and numbers or letters. Bullets, perhaps.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: yes, i like that idea much much more
2005-06-21 [Tear]: I was just using MLA format, which is how I was taught. Bullets work just fine.
2005-06-21 [Whim]: In fact, you could make your own bullets. Perhaps something like tiny little EPI crew heads...hehe. Have Alexandra disembody the heads of the crew...lol. That may be a bit much, but I think everyone gets the idea.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: That sounds like lots of fun, to have the heads being the bullets. like having the section boss's head being the bullet for that section.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: lol yes that might be a bit too far but thanks for the idea Whim
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Whim just got cool points. That idea is just really cool.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: Whim always has cool points ;)
2005-06-21 [Whim]: badass ones too.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: lol!
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Hold on, is Whim being a bit egotistical?
2005-06-21 [Whim]: Always...hehe. You never noticed before?
2005-06-21 [Tear]: *pops Whim's ego bubble* SLUT BAG!!!! Lol, just kidding heh heh heh
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: ....dont make me do the dr evil thing again O.o
2005-06-21 [Whim]: which dr. evil thing?
2005-06-21 [Tear]: Doctor Evil thing? the pinky thingy? or something else?
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: the "riiight" thing
2005-06-21 [Whim]: oh...you really have to be specific cause there's a lot of Dr. Evil things...hehe.
2005-06-21 [Tear]: That there is. I am off to cook myself something. Auf Weidersehen.
2005-06-21 [De'ladrei]: yes i know, but i do a lot of them all the time, however "riiight" is my most common lol
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: yeah...riiiigh
2005-06-21 [Kathren]: Tear? *taps on shoulder* You hopped on me? *laughs*
2005-06-22 [De'ladrei]: and me and Dwem
2005-06-22 [Dwemer]: ^_^ *nods*
2005-06-22 [De'ladrei]: aw damnit lunch break over, back to work i go, byye *scoots away*
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